Marketing needs a makeover
The news broke our we had just sold our $100 million dollar education startup to a large public company. Everyone was congratulating me on social media, but I knew it was the beginning of the end. Within two years the new parent company ended all operations.
This was the second time it happened when one of the startups I was CMO for sold out “just for the money” and all the employees and customers who had bought into the bigger mission were heart-broken.
To me business is more than money, it’s a vehicle to bring new experiences and transform the world that is into the world that could be. If you only look through business through the framework of money, you miss the most meaningful part of the picture.
That’s when I went off on my own. I promised myself I’d only work on marketing projects that were mission-aligned serving humanity in the areas of education, wellness, and transformation.
Since then I’ve been able to grow dozens of businesses around the world, from small startups to NGO’s and venture-backed industry changing companies.
Entrepreneurs come to me when they are ready for their next level of growth and don’t know who to trust. Somewhere between an agency, a freelancer and a marketing guru sits a guy who has “been there and done that” and passes on these lessons to founders who want exponential results, in a faster timeline, with a more precise focus on their unique customer.
To create a world we enjoy living and working in.
To create expansive, abundant, healthy, win-win business relationships that are a blueprint for the future we want to live in - not just an escape from the world we have created.
To create more expansion, understanding, abundance and healing for everyone.
Fun Facts About Me
After leaving Silicon Valley (or as I call it sillycoin valley) I’ve consulted with startups in Austin, Denver, San Diego, Vancouver, Sydney, Copenhagen, Mexico City and Lima
I accidentally started my marketing business when I helped my yoga instructor build a multiple six-figure corporate wellness company (which was later acquired)
I’ve landed media coverage in the New York Times, Wallstreet Journal, NPR, CNN, Forbes, San Francisco Chronicle, San Diego Tribune and Playboy Magazine (to name a few)
I helped my childhood best friend start multiple successful businesses including a million dollar e-commerce empire almost entirely with social media ads
Have practiced jiujitsu and yoga for a combined 20 years and regularly integrate the principles of these practices into my marketing work